What Things Can Lower Your Testosterone Level?

392 views 11:28 am 0 Comments November 3, 2022

Finding the cause of damaged masculinity frequently requires digging deep, and we’re not talking about screaming at a spider in the bathtub or a failed try at a carnival hammer game.

Apart from being a libido-booster, testosterone winstrol comprar controls your mental wellness and the tightness of your shirt sleeves.

While it’s a sad reality that after turning 30, T-levels start to steadily fall, cutting out some critical things from your lifestyle can assist keep the fire in your loins and the bulge in your biceps for a bit longer.


Some guys have just enough Dutch bravery to possess the primordial manliness necessary to face grizzly bears (or go on a first date).

But testosterone must decrease while the bottoms are down. The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology reports that drinking alcohol not only reduces testosterone production but also has the potential to oxidize testosterone molecules existing in the body.

Gum chewing

While having bad breath can be off-putting, the cure might turn you off.

Spearmint and other types of menthol frequently present in chewing gum have been shown in an animal study published in The Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology to reduce testosterone. Undoubtedly a sticky scenario.

Coke Full Fat

An Oxford University study that examined the relationship between testosterone intake and sugar consumption discovered a 25% decline in testosterone levels in men who ingested 75 grams of sugar each day.

Reaching for the red can help you get through a boring afternoon at work, but it also adds a significant 39g of refined sugar to your daily intake, so it’s definitely best to opt for a water bottle instead.

Absence of sleep

It’s time to face the facts about testosterone. Lack of sleep stimulates the body to create more cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits testosterone creation.

A University of Chicago study found that males who slept five hours on average per night had 15% lower T-levels than those who got the recommended eight.

Using Plastic Bottles for Drinking

You scream, “Hippy nonsense!” at us. Well, not, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, which connected a drop in the male hormone with phthalates, a class of chemicals used to produce throwaway bottles.

It could be time to join the reusable glass movement since it has been said that this plastic virus seeps into everything it touches.

Nut milk

Those who avoid dairy don’t necessarily find the grass to be greener. Numerous (albeit hotly controversial) investigations have linked the legume to the gastrointestinal production of the antiandrogen (also known as testosterone-blocking) chemical equol.

Oat, nut, or hemp are all suitable substitutes if full fat is not your poison.

Run a Long Distance

According to a University of British Columbia study, males who run short distances had noticeably higher testosterone levels than Mo Farah imitators who pounded the pavement for more than 40 miles weekly.

This is attributed by scientists to the chronically increased cortisol levels found in endurance athletes. Therefore, in addition to other cortisol-reducing strategies, ensure you’re getting enough time under the covers if you run a marathon.


Despite their deliciousness, eating all your favorite continental breakfast pastries means bidding your va va voom farewell.

Numerous store-bought options contain trans-fat-containing margarine or spread, which, according to The British Journal of Nutrition, is a surefire method to cause your testosterone levels to drop. What a horror.

Negative body language

Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, explains in her Ted Talk how the authority you exude through your body language causes physiological changes.

She put her notion to the test by asking both sexes to hold high- or low-power positions for two minutes (such as shrinking or touching their necks), after which she took testosterone levels. The low-power attitude saw a roughly 10% reduction in participants. Hence, a reason to continue manspreading.